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BioEnergetic Testing


“ If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”

-Nikola Tesla

Gain deep insights into what’s working in your body, what requires attention, and what remedies would be most useful in obtaining optimal health. Take the guesswork out of your health, and let real, personalized data guide you toward a fuller and more balanced life.

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What is BioEnergetic testing?

Bioenergetic Testing utilizes a computer-based instrument, which measures the energy of the body using acupuncture meridian point readings. This provides a new and highly accurate method for identifying energetic imbalances that may lead to health problems. Bioenergetic Testing is the product of a 30-year evolution in Biological Bio-Feedback testing. Dr. Voll and Dr. Werner, German physicists, developed this new approach to good health utilizing modern computers and sophisticated programming. During the past thirty years, doctors have identified the interrelationship between acupuncture point measurement and individual organs and tissues. This therapy uses the body’s own energetic makeup and sends a painless microcurrent through the body, much like the way EEG’s, EKG’s, and MRI’s do.  The system takes this information and puts it into the software program where in real time it pinpoints areas of unhealthy cells then makes recommendations as to what the client could do to help bring the body back into balance.  Studies by NASA have shown that energy levels in the body go wrong long before an illness manifests or abnormalities show on medical tests.  Bio-energetic testing is able to detect these imbalances within the body, therefore, allowing an underlying cause to be identified and treated at the earliest possible stage.

Think of yourself as an onion. There has been layer upon layer of toxins, allergies, and pathogens building up each year of your life. These outer toxins/blockages that reside in our cells need to be peeled away to get to the root cause of our symptoms. This is one reason why conventional medicine sometimes fails to produce results. Oftentimes, conventional methods try to get the body to do something it is not ready to do. When residual barriers are eliminated, the body can release them in the order they need to come out. Peeling away the layers can take a little time, but you will benefit if you are patient. Your body will be able to defend and heal itself once it is more balanced.

Is Bioenergetic testing right for me?

Bioenergetic Testing is useful for those individuals who are dealing with chronic health concerns like allergies, digestive issues, fatigue, pain, depression, skin complaints, sleeplessness, and Lyme Disease have found this testing invaluable. If you suffer from a chronic health concern, you know just how exhausting it can be to constantly address symptoms without truly addressing the core of the problem.

You may already be taking some supplements. Those can be tested by the bioenergetic system. This will give insight as to whether they are assisting your body or possibly not doing anything for you at all. Incorruption of supplements you already take plus homeopathy, Chinese herbals, and highest-grade vitamins you get a tailored protocol that will balance and support the body. 

What can BioEnergetic testing reveal?

  • Provide an in-depth analysis of organs, tissues, glands and body systems
  • Assist in detoxifying viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, chemicals and heavy metals
  • Restore energy
  • Balance food, chemical and other sensitives
  • Combat the effects of Geopathic stress, EMF, Wi-Fi and dirty electricity
  • Bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections
  • Restore Digestive and intestinal imbalances and distress
  • Assist with sleeping issues
  • Boost Immune and Cellular Health
  • Autism/ADD/ADHD Support
  • Counteract joint/muscular/neuropathy pain
  • Mood disorders (depression & anxiety)
  • Unblock current and past trauma and emotional health

Remote testing 

Remote testing is available for patients under five years old and long distance patients. 

DNA samples of hair and nails are used for the test process. 

A collection kit is mailed to your house after purchase. Once samples are received back you will be contacted to set up your either office visit or phone review to go over reports. 

Collection Instructions:

How to collect nail clippings: Clip fingernails or toenails and place in a plastic zip lock bag. At least 7-10 nail clippings. Polished nails are acceptable. 

How to collect hair samples: Collect hair from a clean brush or comb with no one else’s hair in it or you may cut a small amount of hair from the base of neck. A good amount is about a teaspoon. Place hair in a separate zip lock bag from your clippings. Dyed or colored treated hair is acceptable. Note: Please collect hair from head, beard, arms, and legs only are expectable. 

Place your plastic baggy with samples into an envelope with the address listed below. Place the following on baggy or on a separate piece of paper:

Name (Person being tested):

Name of Guardian (If applicable): 

Date of Birth:

Email Address:

(321) 243-1800 Directions Contact/Schedule